Saturday, January 6, 2007

A basket of Nuns...

Today, when my Brother and I were leaving the McDonald's parking lot, we passed a minivan driven by a Nun. It never occurred to me that Nuns drive, but it did bring back an old memory. Several years ago, when I was around 8 years old, my Mother and I were out shopping when we noticed a huge commotion in an empty lot, across the street from Walmart. We pulled over to check it out, and we saw that several hot-air balloons were being inflated. Wondering what was going on, we got out of our car and walked over to watch. I don't know why they were there, or where they had come from, but they were giving free rides to people. The sun was setting, so they were only going back up one more time. There were only a few balloons that hadn't lifted off yet and my Mother got them to let me ride one. I wasn't alone in the basket; there were several Nuns riding with me. I've always been afraid of heights, but I still really wanted to go, and the Nuns promised my Mother that they would look after me and make sure I didn't fall. I remember crouching down, and peeking out of the hole where you put your foot to step up. I was too afraid to look over the edge. It was amazing, and it's one of the most unusual things that's ever happened to me.

~*Word of the day*~

Inu (Japanese)

Meaning: Dog
A domestic, meat-eating animal related to the wolf and fox.

1 comment:

Nikki Neurotic said...

Wow, I've converted a blogger! *feels special*

That's a really fun story, I've never been in a balloon before, but I have seen them take off once...a very long time ago. I'm not too keen on heights either, but I would probably take an exception for that.