Monday, April 2, 2007

The Obsession Meme

I was tagged by silverneurotic:

Five things I can admit to being obsessed with:

1. Music
2. Books
3. "Heroes"
4. Chocolate
5. Anime

I now tag the following people to follow suit:
Hmm... What happens if one person is tagged by more than one blogger?

What to do with a Meme: Copy the questions into a new post and answer them. Tag some different bloggers. Go back and let the person who tagged you know that you did it.


Sebastien Millon said...

These are worthy things to obsess about, except I don't know anything about Heroes!

Moonbeam Baby said...

Heroes is probably the best show on TV right now. At least, it's my favorite.

People with superpowers - fighting evil, and trying to save the world while running from a creepy brain-stealing psycho? How can I NOT watch? ;)

Sebastien Millon said...

Sounds cool!

And I have complied with your meme :)