Sunday, June 24, 2007

Creeping Paranoia - A.k.a.: Spooky Sunday

It's 12:47am, so I guess technically it's Monday morning, but anyway...

The tale of my Spooky Sunday:
I was reading a blog post by Sebastien on He was talking about mythological stories, fairy tales, etc... So I started looking around the internet, and I found a page on Wikipedia about the "Jersey Devil". I remember reading stories about it when I was a kid, and after I read the article, I followed the links and ended up spending a couple of hours reading about the Mothman, Werewolves, and the Chupacabra. Fascinating stuff - but most of it was completely unbelievable crap. I'm not a superstitious person. I don't believe in ghosts, aliens, Bigfoot, etc... but I do believe that there are some very strange things in this world. Things that can't always be easily explained.

Some things are perfectly innocent coincidences. For example: while I was reading one of the "Werewolf" stories (a supposed eye-witness account) all the web-pages I had open that contained paranormal articles closed themselves. None of the others did. I had six other web-pages open, and they all stayed open. A coincidence, yes, but an odd one.

Later Sunday night:
After a long hard day of doing absolutely nothing, I sat down in the den to watch a movie with my family. Which movie? Eight Legged Freaks - a story about giant spiders. A great movie to watch right before going to bed... especially if you are terrified of spiders. 0_0

Half-way through the movie, my dog Daisy jumped up and started barking (which is something she rarely ever does). Seconds later, we heard the doorknob of the front door being turned... It was around 11:30pm, so we definitely were not expecting any visitors. My brother jumped up, and crept quietly to the door. He turned on the floodlights, peeked out the curtains --- and saw nothing. No one was there.

No more than 10 seconds had passed between the time the doorknob rattled, and when my brother looked out the window. We have a large yard, but there are plenty of lights, and still we couldn't locate the source of the noise. That in itself is creepy enough, but the thing is, this was the third night in a row that this has happened.

Anyone who would like to offer up an explanation for this strange occurrence, please feel free to do so.

After all the spooky stories I read in the morning, the movie I watched at night, and the really weird, unexplained doorknob thing - I'm sure I'll have some memorable dreams tonight... assuming I even sleep at all.

Sweet Dreams everyone ~

1 comment:

dmarks said...

I did blog about the Michigan dogman in my blog quite a while ago. People keep searching for it now.