Thursday, May 31, 2007

Musical discussion...

Those times when my brother and I are riding in the same car, there is a constant power struggle over who controls the radio. My brother likes classic rock, mostly songs from the seventies and eighties. While I also enjoy this kind of music, it is not my favorite genre. What do I love? Alternative rock - the newer, the better. A few days ago, we were out shopping, and I put the radio on my favorite station - 105.5 The Vulcan. The new Breaking Benjamin song was on, so I cranked up the volume. The conversation that followed went something like this...

My Brother (listening to the song): "Is he saying Diarrhea Jane?"

Me (looking at him strangely): ". . ."

My Brother: "What?"

Me (laughing): "Nothing..."

~ ~ ~

He's not great with lyrics... : )

(The song was The Diary Of Jane - Breaking Benjamin)


Nikki Neurotic said...

Haha! That's classic! There's quite a few websites out there for "Misheard lyrics" I think you'd get a kick out of them.

I think I'd probably go with your brother's taste of music though...

Moonbeam Baby said...

I love sites like that! They're pretty funny sometimes.

My parents like his music better too... : )